
2022 Tulip Dig and Sale

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We're excited to announce that the Tulip Dig and Sale is back this year! This annual rite of spring in Washington Park is eagerly anticipated by area residents and avid gardeners inspired by the Park's glorious tulip plantings to beautify their own gardens.

  • May 28th: Tulip Dig Begins 9 a.m. at the Moses Fountain. The City will provide tools, but please bring a garden fork (NOT a shovel) if you have one. Bulbs are $10 for a bag of 30 – 5 bags per person. The tulip dig is limited strictly to designated beds, under the direction of park staff and volunteers and ends promptly at 12:00 p.m.
  • May 29th: Tulip Sale Begins 9 a.m. at the Lakehouse. The remaining bulbs are first come/ first serve and are $10 for a bag of 30 – 2 bags per person. The sale is open while supplies last.

Washington Park
Albany, NY
United States

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