
In 2017, Filmmaker and social media influencer Meir Kay was walking around NYC one freezing night and then he saw a man holding a cardboard sign reading, “I don’t want food. I don’t want a drink - I just want someone to talk with.”
Kay was able to connect with the man by not only giving him attention, but also showing empathy and care- along with a hot meal. Kay felt that it is this touch of humanity that we all need sometimes. This is when he felt inspired to start Super Soul Parties.
“My world changed, and I knew I needed to let my fellow humans who are experiencing homelessness to know that they are not alone, they are seen and to bring that awareness of the issue to local communities,” Kay said.
The event partners with any homeless shelters, local food outlets, barbers and community activists who want to help educate the public about homelessness- while also creating a positive change.
What started out as one party in New York, has now inspired others to host their own Super Soul Party in 50 cities across the country. Now, there he wants as many people to feel inspired enough to host their own Super Soul Party in their city on February 13.
“The entire country will come together to watch the Super Bowl," Kay said. "Those at Super Soul Parties will get to meet people who are experiencing homelessness and those who are overlooked and ignored. The soul of this party will include friendship, caring and dignity.”
All events will provide food, haircuts, clothing drives, resources for social and housing services, all watching the game and creating a true human connection. There will also be "dignity bags" provided. This will include personal hygiene items and resources for those who are struggling with mental health issues and addiction.
“It’s not about football,” Kay added. “This is about seeing the overlooked and engaging with the ignored. These are not mere Super Bowl parties that you are familiar with. This is about lifting the soul with camaraderie and dignity."
For more information about Super Soul Party or to get involved or make a donation, just visit The site also has many videos on the Super Soup Party experience.
Here is a video that shows a Super Soul Party from a previous year: