Tamara Starr
Saratoga Springs Weather: Thursday December 26
High: 31°
Low: 15°
Wind: 2 MPH NNE
Chance of rain: 0%
Partly Cloudy , with a high of 31 and low of 15 degrees. Partly Cloudy during the morning, overcast during the afternoon, partly cloudy in the evening, clear overnight.
Mon. Aug 8 2022
What the Ban on Surprise Medical Bills Means for You
Tamara Starr
Saratoga County COVID-19 Statistics
Saratoga Springs and Saratoga County COVID-19 Coverage and Statistics
There have been 62,497 cases in a county with a population of 229,863
n/a cases per 100,000
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How Gas Prices Have Changed in Albany and NYC in the Last Week
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Pet of the Week: Meet Soot
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Counties with the Worst Commutes in New York
New York
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Black Public Media Mourns the Loss of Founding President Mable Haddock
Tamara Starr
Tamara Starr